Hixson at 75: Specialization Makes a Difference

In 2023, Hixson is proud to be celebrating our firm’s 75th anniversary! Be sure to bookmark this page and follow along on our year-long celebration of this historic occasion!

At Hixson, we have made it a priority across the 75 years we’ve been in business to focus our work in three core sectors: Food and Beverage, Science + Technology, and Workplace. In fact, it’s a key differentiator for our firm that we have built a wealth of specialized experience and knowledge year over year.

Plus, because Hixson is a Great Place to Work, offering outstanding benefits and the opportunity to learn and grow, our associates tend to stay for a significant portion of their careers. (Our average tenure is more than 10 years!) This means that we have the same people applying the specialized experience we’ve accumulated, and our associates are able to get to know our client organizations very well.

Want to learn more about how Hixson’s specialized experience can benefit your organization? Contact us today!


Hixson At 75: Great People, Long Tenure

Hixson At 75: Continuous Improvement a Foundational Element


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