Sustainable design, and design that improves the health and wellness of a building’s occupants, has long been a focus for Hixson architects, engineers and interior designers.  Read about some of our specific focus areas in the sections below.


Corporate Childcare Centers

Hixson is experienced in the design and engineering of employer-sponsored childcare centers.  Our solutions address the needs of the child, the parent, and the employer, with features such as child-focused amenities and features, parental access, and corporate branding.

Employee Health and Wellness

Hixson’s accredited health and wellness practitioners work with our clients to implement the client’s desired level of health and wellness-focused building and environmental changes into the workplace. These options may include indoor air quality, access to daylight or nature, temperature control, low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) paints and finishes, and acoustical controls.


LEED® Certification

Hixson’s LEED Accredited Professionals (APs) help clients explore the latest sustainable facility and system options that will align their facility with corporate goals. The result is a custom, balanced approach that delivers a Return on Investment (ROI) today and into the future.  Hixson’s sustainability expertise includes consulting, design, facility audits, and documentation.

The WELL Building Standard

Hixson was an early adopter of the WELL Building Standard, a program pioneered by Delos® and administered by the International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI) designed to enhance the health and wellness of a building’s occupants with the goal of improving performance. Hixson’s on-staff WELL APs can assist companies wishing to design WELL features into their facilities.
