
From Experience: Next Generation Stack Economizers

Economizers have long been used in steam boiler facilities to recover energy in the form of heat from boilers and re-use the heat for some other purpose, such as heating feed water. Two common types of economizers are in use today: Direct contact stack economizers and tube-type stack economizers.  In the latest issue of Hixson’s […]

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What’s Changing with Construction Costs?

In Hixson’s Cost Trends newsletter, our experienced team of Cost Estimators compile information from the industry’s most trustworthy data sources to provide a quick, yet insightful look at the key factors influencing construction project budgets. Get their take on what you can expect during the coming year, and the impact to your budget, in our […]

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Workplace Insights: Determining a Workplace Strategy

Today, many companies are providing fully remote or hybrid work options for their employees. In this new paradigm, these companies may be sitting on real estate that is either not being used or no longer functions for how the business now operates.  If this describes your company: How do you decide what can be planned […]

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Sustainability: Then and Now

In 2009, Hixson’s Warren Green authored an issue of Hixson’s From Experience newsletter in which he noted his observations on the state of sustainability within the food and beverage industry, as well as forthcoming trends that appeared to be on the horizon. Now, fifteen years later, Warren revisits those ideas and shares recent observations with […]

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Smart Ideas for a Less Stressful Workplace Renovation

If you’ve been following Hixson on this blog, or on one of our social media channels (like LinkedIn or Facebook), you know that Hixson has been renovating our 1920s-era building over the course of the past couple of years. Through this process, we’ve updated toilet rooms, added a modern break room for our associates, designed […]

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Stormwater Management Best Practices

Urbanization continues to transform landscapes, and as it does, the need for effective stormwater management intensifies to guard against environmental degradation.  In the January issue of Hixson’s From Experience newsletter, we look at Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs)…tools of choice that civil engineers, like those at Hixson, use to help thwart flooding, pollution, and erosion. […]

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