New “E-Manifest” Requirements Begin Soon!

Is your facility ready for e-Manifest? Beginning January 22, 2025, all facility sites that receive manifested waste under either federal or state law (whether from the generation state or the destination state) are required to register for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA’s) new “e-Manifest” system.

Through this system, which will be available through USEPA RCRAInfo, users will be able to edit, view, and sign hazardous waste manifests, submit them to the USEPA, submit post-receipt corrections, and retrieve manifest copies…marking a forward leap in the transition away from paper-based recordkeeping.

Some key specifics to know:

  • Large & Small Quantity Generators (LQGs & SQGs) are required to register for e-Manifest through RCRAINFO by January 22, 2025. 
  • Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQG) must make arrangements with the receiving Treatment, Storage & Disposal facility (TSD) for copies of the completed manifest or establish an EPA ID and register for e-Manifest.  

Complete details, including the history of the law, how to register, fees, and rules and exceptions related to the e-Manifest, are available from USEPA, or you may contact Hixson for additional information.

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