Professional Development

Values in Action

We are supportive of others and inspire them to excel.

Hixson University

Since 1990, Hixson has had its own in-house learning organization known as Hixson University. Led by Hixson’s Continuing Education Council, Hixson University provides live, instructor-led educational events throughout the year. Instructors include both internal associates who have specialized subject knowledge and experience, as well as highly qualified instructors from outside the firm. These instructors provide their knowledge under the umbrella of five separate colleges: professional development, leadership and management, fundamentals and organization, business skills, and personal enrichment.

Associate Development Cycle

As an associate at Hixson, you’ll participate in our Associate Development Cycle. Through this process, you’ll create a formal, individualized development plan, which will be supported by your manager through regular check-ins and on-the-job coaching. The process begins with a Navigating Your Hixson Career course as part of the Hixson University curriculum, as well as a variety of tools and assessments.

Community of Practice Learning

Within your technical discipline, you’ll have the opportunity to take part in a variety of resources to deepen your knowledge and skills, including self-paced curriculum, developmental assignments, study groups led by Hixson subject matter experts, “walk-a-mile” on-location experiences, research opportunities, and more.

Hixson-Sponsored Professional Development

In addition to our in-house training, Hixson will sponsor up to 40 hours of industry-based professional development per calendar year.

Tuition Reimbursement

Eligible Hixson associates receive 100% tuition/lab fee reimbursement for successful completion of pre-approved graduate and undergraduate courses in accordance with company policy.

Knowledge Sharing

Hixson associates are encouraged to share their knowledge, ideas, and insights across disciplines and between all levels, whether it is contributing thought leadership to our Knowledge Supermarket, a library of nearly 1,000 Hixson-published articles; teaching a Hixson University course, or becoming a member of our Continuing Education Council.

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